Fahrenheit to Celcius the easy way

Do you find yourself constantly struggling to convert Fahrenheit to Celcius?
I do.

I know that we all have smartphones now and there's an app for that but then its always good to be able to get an approximate value quickly.

The formula for the conversion is not very difficult:
C = (F-32) * 5/9.

But we need something easier! A good approximation would be
C = (F-30) * 5/10 i.e. C = (F-30)/2

Let's see how the graphs for the 2 formulas compare.

Checkout the Google sheet - http://j.mp/sGEIIp

The current temperature in Minneapolis is 49°F, our formula gives us 9.5°C which is a very good approximation on 9.44°C.

I am a much happier man now! :)


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